We are located in a small town off of State Hwy 371 in North-Central Minnesota. We have a wide variety of products ranging from bedding for animals & landscaping mulch, to green, dried, and planed lumber. If you are looking for something specific please give us a call and we will do our best to help you find what you are looking for.

Stock items are limited please call ahead to verify what we carry.
All orders can expect to have a wait time of 4 to 6 weeks or longer pending on availability.

We now have a MINIMUM ORDER QUANTITY beginning March 1st, 2020.  
HomeProductsSpeciesOrderAbout UsDirections

For Prices, Sizes, and Availability​
Phone (218)-587-4969
E-mail christensenforestproducts@tds.net

Sorry we are not able to accept Debit or Credit Cards
Attention: We are OPEN!
When coming to our facility please respect our employees by abiding by CDC guidelines as best as possible by keeping a safe distance.

If you think you may have come in contact with someone ill or you are feeling ill PLEASE STAY HOME!